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My Vision is to Contribute To The Healing of The Collective Consciousness of The World*

“In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be… This is the inter-related structure of reality.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail

“We are not walking on the earth. We are the earth walking.” ― Carol Cano and/or Larry Yang

My vision of contributing to healing the planetary consciousness may just consist of me healing my body and mind of inter-generational trauma and letting the rest follow. We’ll see where it goes.

In 2005, I did some visioning with Rae Jordan in Alameda. I believe I received an energetic transmission from her.  I gained the ability to see what is ahead for me. I didn’t see what I expected to see, nor did I see what I wanted.

In a nearer vision that has already unfolded. Instead of the artist’s city loft that I desired, housing me throwing paint, I saw the place where I was to spend many hours meditating.

I see this vision as apprenticing the disenfranchised (which oftentimes includes me) on how to live in self-reliant communities that model how we can see ourselves, humanity, the earth, its biological systems and its creatures as sacred and holy again.” — Ann Marie Davis

I envision a permaculture community growing biodynamic food sources. The community will develop an apprenticeship program to teach building trades that use local used and natural materials, for instance cob house building.

I also envision growing medicinal herbs as part of this community, strictly medicinal cannabis, as well as other herbs for individuals with cancer, especially children, who may otherwise not be able to afford it.

I envision a BIPOC based non-denominational organization apprenticing fellow people of color, especially the disenfranchised, learning the craft of constructing houses from clay and found materials. The housing will have a look, feel and intention of housing people’s bodies, and nurturing their spirits. I have seen cob houses that look like sacred spaces, and they will have this quality. I envision a resulting residence consisting of a large house, or 3 to 10 tiny houses, each with a specific utility. Apprentices will come into the program under mentors who will maintain a relationship with their apprentices.

I envision using pre-colonized spiritual, farming, medicinal and building technologies to empower humanity, technologies that were scorned and removed from black, brown and indigenous people across the globe by colonizers.

This is for a little girl who survived cancer

I envision growing high THC medicinal marijuana for providing alternative cancer treatments where other modalities have failed, and also growing CBD plant oil for medicinal treatments.

I also envision a house where women spiritual teachers of African decent can rejuvenate.

I see this program dismantling the colonist and capitalist mindset while saving the world from the current self-destructive course. I see this vision as apprenticing the disenfranchised on how to live in self-reliant communities that model how we can see ourselves, humanity, the earth and its biological systems and its creatures as sacred and holy again.

I see my next step. It is to spend a year meditating and praying (simply putting my attention on my intention) with the ocean while I write two novels. As a scribe, I understand how vision and the path to healing is transmitted through storytelling.

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