Who is A.M. Davis?

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Pleased to meet you.

I am the Universe

I am the illusion of the existence of the world

That illusion of there being anyone here
other than me

Who are the characters in this novel?

I talk a little bit about the characters in the novel.

A Poem, We Digress

Here’s a poem. Click here for a text version

Where my Poetry Comes From

Several years ago, around 2012, I talked about where my poetry comes from.


Why I write this novel


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© Ann Marie Davis 2020 all rights reserved


James is an astrophysics PhD and a member of the National Black Physicists Society. His story is narrated through the lens of several ancestral narrators. They know of James’ lineage intimately. One ancestor, the spiritual and common ancestor of humankind, is a witness to the karmic and evolutionary lineage of all life on earth.

James sees the ghost of a recently dead lover. His attempts at reason break down. Still, he desires a world devoid of any experiences that cannot be quantified.

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