What’s the Endgame?

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I woke up with a sore throat and achiness again. What now? Stay home for 10 days?Last week, I thought the end game was finding a living place in which to cloister myself and never get COVID-19 again.

Admittedly, this Covid -19 is less severe than the version I got before I got the shot. In January, I was ousted from the live/work situation where I was staying (I haven’t shed all of my ire towards black female loathing white supremacists with unchecked power, I see) and I immediately got Covid. I contracted it at an Airbnb where the hosts made sure to disinfect every surface. Much to my chagrin, they didn’t remember to air the place out.

In today’s instance of COVID19, I contracted it because am simply unable to avoid humanity, masked or unmasked. I wake up with an achy throat and gargle with H2O2.

So, is the endgame to avoid humanity? Is the endgame to only hug people who’ve had the vaccine? A____, a close family friend, hasn’t gotten the shot. A____ had cancer and her immune system is compromised. Is the endgame to never hug A____ again?

When we don’t allow the un-vaccinated to mingle with us, what is the endgame? If we’ve all had vaccines, why are we afraid of mingling with them? Shouldn’t we be immune? Are we protecting them from us?

Is the endgame to protect the un-vaccinated from themselves by making them stay away from us people with the vaccines who can no longer spread it? Or maybe we can spread it, but not so much…

A Good Thing?

I’m wondering what my immune system is up to these days. I was the one who never got colds or influenza. I will never know what my body would be doing if I had not gotten that Johnson last March. I’m pretty certain I did it without knowing enough. I got vaccinated because well meaning people around me assured me that it’s a good thing.

Politicians with their eyes smiling above their masks created photo opts getting vaccinated. Politicians. It is their job to convince us that they are superheroes who have everything under control.

The Covid19 virus did not get the memo that our politicians are superheroes who have everything under control.

I never trusted drug companies because they make billions and billions and billions of dollars and these people who are beholding to shareholders are not beholding to Ann Marie Davis’ immune system. And, medical schools are funded by drug companies.

Well. While attempting to stay positive and look forward to what I desire, I got angry. I’m soaking my feet in warm water.

There. I’ve said it. We will never know what got censored from Facebook because it’s not there anymore. What say ye, Facebook?

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